
Leaf Song Landscapes can carry your goals for your residential landscape, outdoor play and learning environment, or public space from an idea, to a design, to a built landscape.



After an initial consultation to discuss your goals, Caroline conducts site analysis, develops basemaps, and collects any other documentation needed to fully understand existing site conditions. Then she works closely with individuals or stakeholders to develop a design that meets the client’s needs, responds to the needs of the environment, and improves ecological diversity.


Caroline has developed a close working relationships with multiple landscape contractors over the years. She will manage your project from design through construction, staying in daily contact with contractors to bring your design to fruition. She enjoys being hands-on with the installation of her designs by laying out the location of site elements and placing plants.


If you need ongoing maintenance after installation, Caroline is happy to assist with this as well. It’s a pleasure staying involved in the maintenance of a landscape to watch it grow to into its full potential.